Hope in God – Part 2

“The LORD is my portion,” says my soul, “therefore I will hope in Him!” The LORD is good to those who wait for Him, to the soul who seeks Him.” – Lamentations 3:24-25 (ESV)

Jeremiah, the prophet, the writer of the Book of Lamentations, is grieving deeply at the affliction of the people of Jerusalem. Jerusalem had fallen, and amid this prophet’s lament, he realised how much God loves and cares for His people. In this moment of recognition, Jeremiah bursts forth, “The Lord is my portion”. These words are from a satisfied soul; he had no other place of satisfaction but in the Lord Himself; Yahweh was His portion. 

The pathway to hope is finding your portion in Yahweh. Jeremiah realised that until and unless Yahweh became his portion, only then can hope be realised. Outside of Jehovah, there is no path to hope. 

“The LORD is good to those who wait for Him, to the soul who seeks Him.” God’s people suffered because they truly did not seek Him nor waited for Him. Instead, they looked to other sources. However, seeking Him again would bring renewed expressions of His goodness. We, therefore, should hope and wait in the quietness of spirit, waiting patiently on the Lord (Lamentations 3:26)

Waiting in silence and patience is a discipline we have to learn in a world where answers and solutions are at our fingertips. May His grace be yours as you wait patiently in silence. Waiting in silence implies the acceptance of the will of God and a refusal to complain. Jeremiah remembered God’s attributes, and this led him into loving fellowship and intimate communion with his faithful God. That can be you also.

Let us prayer

Today, Lord, I ask for the ability to wait silently and patiently on You. My portion is in You, and I thank You for Your love and faithfulness. Amen.

Read: Psalm 119:57; Lamentations 3:31-32

Bible Reading Guide: Psalm 18:25-36; Matthew 23; Job 33; Job 34

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